While working on CloudFormation template, and storing the output of the endpoint attribute of a memcached backed cache cluster resource, I used the Fn::GetAtt (!GetAtt) function and came across this message
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An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateStack operation: Template error: resource CacheClusterFoo does not support attribute type ConfigurationEndPoint.Address in Fn::GetAtt |
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Outputs: OutputCacheClusterEndpointFoo: Value: !GetAtt [ CacheClusterFoo,ConfigurationEndpoint.Address ] Export: Name: !Join [ ":", [ !Ref ParamVpcStackName, CacheClusterEndpointFoo ] ] |
It took me some time to realise where I had gone wrong! ConsiderConfigurationEndPoint.Address vs ConfigurationEndpoint.Address. p vs. P!
Thanks to Stack Overflow for pointing this out
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